December 14, 2009


Its not very common, but every once in awhile I decide to venture out and explore the other 200 channels that are on my TV, besides the ones that are part of the ESPN family. While I was surfing the absurd number of channels this weekend, I came across some movies that I have not seen in some time and decided to refresh my memory on them. I got to thinking about how many great movies there are out there that I have never seen. My first job ever was working at Hollywood Video. The one great perk that came with that awful career move was the unlimited free rentals the employees were granted. We were "encouraged" to view the movies, so that we were knowledgeable about different films and to give our opinions to the valued customers who were looking for a movie for that given night. I would leave each night with a different movie and another title to add to my impressive list of movies I had watched. However, as I got older and moved on from that job, I found myself with less free time and not watching as many movies as before. At times, I hear conversations about movies and how great they are, and often make a mental note to make an effort to watch them. Besides the obvious great cinematic masterpieces, I have listed some movies that I believe are must-see and maybe never considered to view to the average joe. I encourage you to list the movies that dont get the recognition, but are great in their own right, in the comments section below.

The Departed- This was the movie I came across and sparked the discussion. This genius piece of art is a dude-flick 100%. Leave your date at home for this one. Jack Nicholson stars as an Irish mob boss in Boston, who grooms a boy into a star police detective (Matt Damon) by providing him with inside information on criminal activity. At the same time a young undercover cop (Leonardo DiCaprio) is assigned to infiltrate the mob. All-Star cast and Martin Scorsese's vision combine to deliver a solid film watching experience. Suprising fact: The "F" word is used an astonishing 226 times during the film. Sweet!

Poolhall Junkies- I must have watched this movie over 15 times in the first month I saw it. Perfect example of a movie that nobody has heard of, but needs to be seen. A talented pool hustler who has stayed out of the game for years, must go back to his old ways when his little brother gets involved with his enemy, the very man who held him back from greatness. The movie is filled with comedy but has some dramatic scenes. If you have ever played pool, please watch this movie. Some of the shots these guys make will make you wanna find the nearest pool table and try your luck. Plus Christopher Walken is in it. That should be enough.

Point Break- Ill be the first to admit Keanu Reeves is top 5 worst actors of all time, but this movie to cool to ignore. Full of adrenaline through out the movie, it somehow takes outlaw surfers who rob banks and makes it must see TV. For me, its one of those movies that if its on TV, you watch it no matter how many times you have seen it. I know Patrick Swayze (may he RIP) is more famous for his chick-flick roles in movies like Dirty Dancing and Ghost, but his role in this film, in my mind, will forever cement his place in the 'All-Time Movie Character Bad-Ass' catagory. If there is not a catagory for that, Ill personally take it upon myself to create one.

The Ultimate Gift- Ok, time to get soft. Guys, this is a great film to suprise your girl when she is always complaining when you bring home the newest Steven Segal movie. There is always that time when you know your gonna be sucked in to watch some crappy film like "The Notebook" and be scarred for life. Beat her to the punch. This movie will have her crying like a Cowboys fan in December, but is actually a decent enough movie that a man can stomach for 2 hours. Basically, its a story about a guy who was given everything in life and lost the meaning of what life is really about. He is given the opportunity to learn these things from a late grandparent who will refuse to hand over his inheritance until he completes certain tasks. Im not saying its an Oscar-winner but decent none-the-less.
Of course there are so many movies out there that are overlooked and too many to list, but hopefully you have some movies that are good, but dont get the credit they deserve. I look forward to your responses.


willeubanks said...

You've got me very interested in Poolhall Junkies

SoCalSportsFan said...

Dude watch it! It is a phenomenal movie.

Matt's Blog said...

Will you haven't seen Poolhall Junkies? Classic, if you love Rounders and Boiler Room I think you'll really like this one it's great.

Matt's Blog said...

Let me add a few to this list:
Boiler Room
The Cooler
Slap Shot (this one is probably only unknown because it's old but it's great)

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